

Custom website consist of 3-5 pages and can be e-commerce site at an additional cost.

You will receive a website form to complete and detail what content will go where for your desired pages. If you already have your website structure written out, please submit during our consultation.

Please look at the description section below before booking.

5 in stock



Things to know before booking.

An initial consultation is included to get a scope of where your business branding is and help establish domain names & hosting.

Custom website consist of 3-5 pages and can be e-commerce site at an additional cost. Platforms include WordPress, Wix & Shopify.

Turnaround Time: Up to 3 weeks to design live site. Only if I have all information & imagery upfront to begin working on.

ADDITIONAL FEES: You must purchase your domain & hosting of website prior to booking this service. Design does not begin until all information has been submitted.

I will email you within 24-48 hours of your purchase to collect additional information about your brand to design the best look for your website. You will receive a website form to complete and detail what content will go where for your desired pages. If you already have your website structure written out, please submit during our consultation. Please note that we do not provide content writing services at this time. You will need to make sure your content is explained thoroughly about your business.

All sales are final. There are no refunds available after purchasing.


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